Bishop Hollerith, our Deputies and Alternates |
L to R: Alternate Deputies Mark Wilkinson, Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly, and Deputies Samantha Vincent-Alexander and Cameron Randle. |
Orientation in the House of Deputies |
Bishop Hollerith and deputy Clare Harbin |
House of Bishops come to House of Deputies for first of several join sessions |
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry presides over joint session of House of Bishops and House of Deputies. |
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and deputy Clare Harbin |
Bishop Hollerith stands with Bishop Allen of Honduras in asking for better translation services. |
House of Bishops rise to honor Bishop Allen of Honduras and his call for better translation services. |
Diosova deputies during first TEConversation on racial reconciliation. |
Deputies Isabel Burch, Sam Webster and Toni Hogg |
General Convention exhibit hall |
Deputy Clare Harbin joins other Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) alumni in the exhibit hall |
Diosova deputies with Bishop Hollerith following the second TEConversation on evangelism. |
Bishop Hollerith (top right) at Bishops United Against Gun Violence public witness event. |
Southern Virginia folks here at GC enjoy a night out. |
Deputies wearing Chanco shirts on Episcopal Camp & Conference Day at GC. |
Deputy Alice Webley (All Saints, VB) elected to the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop |
Last day lunch break :-) |
Lay deputies casting votes on the last day of GC |