
Check back often - we'll be posting photos daily during General Convention. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for video and more pics.

Bishop Hollerith, our Deputies and Alternates

L to R: Alternate Deputies Mark Wilkinson, Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly, and Deputies Samantha Vincent-Alexander and Cameron Randle.

Orientation in the House of Deputies

Bishop Hollerith and deputy Clare Harbin

House of Bishops come to House of Deputies for first of several join sessions

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry presides over joint session of House of Bishops and House of Deputies.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and deputy Clare Harbin

Bishop Hollerith stands with Bishop Allen of Honduras in asking for better translation services.

House of Bishops rise to honor Bishop Allen of Honduras and his call for better translation services.

Diosova deputies during first TEConversation on racial reconciliation.

Deputies Isabel Burch, Sam Webster and Toni Hogg

General Convention exhibit hall

Deputy Clare Harbin joins other Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) alumni in the exhibit hall

Diosova deputies with Bishop Hollerith following the second TEConversation on evangelism. 
Bishop Hollerith (top right) at Bishops United Against Gun Violence public witness event.

Southern Virginia folks here at GC enjoy a night out.

Deputies wearing Chanco shirts on Episcopal Camp & Conference Day at GC.
Deputy Alice Webley (All Saints, VB) elected to the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop
Last day lunch break :-)

Lay deputies casting votes on the last day of GC